Sentry's new Performance Monitoring capabilities

videoWebinarBest PracticesPerformance

Neil Manvar (Solutions Engineering Manager at Sentry) walks you through how to get the most out Sentry’s new Application Performance Monitoring capabilities.

You’ll learn how to:

  • Integrate and configure the SDK to send transactions in addition to errors/events
  • Use Sentry to trace through services (for instance, frontend to backend) to identify poor-performing code
  • Use Discover to query transaction data
  • Create alerts and get notified when critical slowdowns are introduced
  • Get a sneak peek at how Sentry uses Sentry

0:12 – Sentry Application Monitoring (5 pillars) 3:01 – Sentry Performance (& the problems we help solve) 5:02 – Getting started with Performance 8:55 – Performance Monitoring Demo (debugging slowdowns in JS + Python) 18:52 – Alerting and Querying Performance issues 27:58 – How Sentry uses Sentry 33:49 – Q & A

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