Sentry with David Cramer


Podcast.__init__ is the podcast about Python and the people who make it great. One of the people who make Python great? Our CTO and co-founder, David Cramer, who was the focus of their 61st episode. They cover a wide variety of questions in the episode, like:

  • Can you describe the architecture of the Sentry project both in terms of the software design and the infrastructure necessary to run it?
  • What made you choose Django versus another Python web framework, and would you choose it today?
  • What kinds of challenges have you encountered in the process of adding support for such a wide variety of languages and runtimes?

And many, many more. Per usual with podcasts, pressing the play button above will cause audio to start playing through your computer. If you’d like to learn more, be sure to read about the history of sound on Wikipedia.


  • David Cramer photo

    David Cramer

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